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CHP (Combined Heat and Power) is widely regarded as a cost-effective technology allowing the on-site generation of power and the ability to make use of the associated heat created through power generation. This cogeneration approach reduces CO2 emissions and cuts operating costs.

What is CHP?

Combined Heat and Power systems utilise a fuel source, such as natural gas, to generate electricity. Sometimes via a private wire network, more often directly to buildings which can then use the generated electricity to wholly, or partly with support from the National Grid, power facilities. Alternatively, CHP systems also provide properties with the option to sell some or all of the power generated back to the grid.

Secondly, CHP installations utilise the ‘waste’ heat created from the power generation process to heat water for distribution throughout the client’s buildings, providing a source of heating and hot water.

This process provides much more efficient source of power generation for a property by making use of what otherwise would be wasted energy.

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NIFES Consulting Group is, we believe, the UK’s most prolific independent CHP consultancy, covering CHP feasibility studies and the design and project management of CHP installations. Since our inception in 1953 we have been recognised as authoritative advisors on all aspects of boiler plant and CHP systems. Our expertise spans CHP installations from 1MWe to 50MWe across industry and the public sector.

When advising clients on CHP systems there are important and specific design, installation and maintenance considerations, such as:

  • Equipment sizing and siting
  • Investment costs and returns
  • Energy demand for the building
  • Fuel Sources
  • Potential for noise and air pollution

Registered Office Address
The Brew House,
Greenails Avenue, Warrington,
Cheshire, WA4 6HL

T: 0845 168 6684