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At the heart of many large sites lies an Energy Centre that generates the required steam, heating, power and other essential services.

We are perceived as experts in this field, having successfully delivered numerous efficient and effective Energy Centres, often linked to District Heating installations.

Having worked continuously with large-scale heat and power plant since our inception in 1953, NIFES can call upon the services of highly skilled and experienced designers of steam and MTHW systems, HV generation and distribution systems, Combined Heat and Power plant, Energy from Waste installations, turbines, and biomass installations.

We have many delighted clients that are benefitting from reduced energy consumption, lower maintenance costs and greatly improved carbon footprints.

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  • Robust Feasibility Studies to assess the options
  • Market knowledge of energy centre technology and renewables
  • Design Engineering to optimise technology
  • KPI driven specifications to maximise the savings potential
  • Experienced Project Management to deliver the scheme
  • Strong Commercial and contractual advice

Registered Office Address
The Brew House,
Greenails Avenue, Warrington,
Cheshire, WA4 6HL

T: 0845 168 6684