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Schematic Drawings for Water Systems and Legionella Risk Management

Water system schematics are an essential component to stay on top of legionella risk management schemes and are specifically required under Health and Safety legislation and within Health Technical Memorandum to deal with the control of waterborne bacteria.

What are Water System Schematics?

Produced using CAD software based on as-fitted water system installations, water system schematic drawings operate as a visual tool to accompany described water systems utilised in risk assessments and demonstrations of compliance with legislative and HTM guidelines.

Detailed water system diagrams are useful for enabling users unfamiliar with a buildings water system to understand the layout and positioning of components within the system. It can also be used to highlight areas at risk, areas requiring remedial works, or any other concerns.

Why have Water System Drawings?

As a part of effective Legionella management, water system drawings are essential as they are necessary to perform the temperature control checks on the systems and will assist in identifying any potential problems with poor hot water circulation and cold-water dead-legs where flow to sporadically used outlets can be low.

The HSC document “Control of Legionella Bacteria in Water Systems, L8” requires that there is an up-to-date plan showing layout of the plant or system, including parts temporarily out of use, and notes that a schematic plan would suffice.

The Health Service guidance document “Health Technical Memorandum 04-01: The control of Legionella, hygiene, “safe” hot water, cold water and drinking water systems” requires that accurate as-fitted drawings are essential for the safe operation of hot and cold-water service systems. NIFES professional, qualified and experienced surveyors have an understanding of all water systems.


Queen Elizabeth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust – Legionella Control Programme

Queen Elizabeth Hospital has many complicated and integrated water systems which fall under the required control of legislation and the Healthcare Technical Memorandums (HTMs). The hospital provides services for a wide spectrum of patients requiring an assessment of risk and an application of control.

NIFES quantified the hospital’s systems, producing schematic drawings, risk assessments, an action plan with remedial requirements and a Written Scheme of Control. Since the original assessment, NIFES carry out an annual gap analysis of the control of Legionella bacteria at the hospital, enabling ongoing management of the hospital’s water systems.

Queen Elizabeth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust now have confidence and direction in the control of Legionella bacteria.

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